Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mission 3: Route 2 Line Cutters, Part 1

Dear R.E. Prisal,

I've just about had it with the jerks who cut in line queuing up to the 128 on ramp from Route 2 every weekday morning. Along with about a million other people, I sit in my car in the far right lane, waiting and waiting and waiting for what seems like an eternity. Without fail, the "cutters" make their way in to line toward the exit by nudging in like bullies. Rarely is there a wave of gratitude.

It really gets me off to the worst possible start, especially since said cutters are responsible for the duration of the wait with their sliding in ahead of everyone else at the beginning of the line.

There are never any cops to witness this, so this behavior continues without any sort of consequence. There are no alternate ways for me to get to work, so I am forced to deal with these bozos, day in, day out.

Any ideas, R.E.?

Lost Patience in Cambridge

Oh, you poor dear. I know how very frustrating this can be. You want to know who might be blessed with the kind of nerve it takes to do this to those patient enough to do the proper thing and wait in line. Trust me, I feel for you. These people are super tools. Fear not, my good little doobie, I think I can come up with a few options that will help settle the score with these insensitive asswipes.

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