I went to Google Maps, so I can show you all the area that our friend is referring to. I've attached a few labels, so that you get a sense of what these chowder heads are doing.
My first idea was to toss a few nails where the cutters are merging, but then I thought: What if an ambulance necessitated this access? I couldn't be responsible for this kind of tragic result.
My next idea was to make a complete ass out of myself by dressing up as Miss Manners, screaming at the cutters with a megaphone. I knew that I might be the receiver of many a middle finger, but the satisfaction I was bound to deliver to the group of rule-following citizens would be worth it.
I waited until about 8:30 AM on the next workday (as a librarian, I often work weekends, which allows me the occasional weekday off) before shoving off to the scene. I wanted to be sure that I embarrassed a good lot of these jerks and figured that this was peek time. I wore a gray suit with a white button down top and a pair of fashion thick-rimmed glasses (my vision is actually 20/20 to this day - something I am quite proud of). I found a pair of orthopedic shoes to complete the costume. I was going for a no-nonsense type of enforcer of social code and I thought this was the sort of ridiculous picture most folks conjure up when imagining such characters.
I pulled my car over to the breakdown lane, put my hazards on, grabbed the megaphone (my sister teaches geometry and there are a ton of them at her high school, so she let me borrow one) and made my way to the grassy island at the very nose of the on ramp. I got some looks, but I didn't let it bother me. I had a mission. The first violator saddled up beside a nice looking man in a Corolla. She had a real attitude, this one. When Corolla refused to allow her majesty in the Focus cut in, she began flailing her arms about. Imagine this? I saw this and immediately intervened.

Well, wouldn't you know. The good doobies rolled down their windows and gave me a thundering round of applause. I got approving whistles and thumbs ups from all. "Fight the Power!" I continued. More applause. The woman in the Focus did just as I predicted, but added a "Rot in hell!" to her bird flip.
This encouraged me to continue. I spent the next ten minutes humiliating bad drivers and as I walked back to my car, I handed out little bumper stickers that read, "It's Rude to Cut in Line" to all the patient folks. I figure, since I can't be there, I can spread a little of my spirit around to those who continue to cut.